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証明 証明 : まず右側極限値 $\displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow +0}\frac{\sin x}{x}$ が 1 であることを示す. $x$ は $0 < x <\frac{ […]
もっと読む →$ \omega^{n}=z$ の解 $\omega$ を, 複素数 $z$ の n 乗根という. 複素数の n 乗根は、複素数解の範囲で n 個存在する. また $\omega_{k}$ は点 $\omega_{0}$ […]
もっと読む →Covariance is one of the quantities representing the relationship between the random variables. The sign of th […]
もっと読む →Example : To express the implicit function as an explicit function of $x$, we need to solve the equation for $ […]
もっと読む →Example The curve traced out by a point P on the circumference of a circle as the circle rolls along a straigh […]
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